People & Culture

Top 10 'Photos of the Week' from our photo community

Showcasing this year's most-loved photos from Can Geo's Photo Club

  • Dec 22, 2020
  • 200 words
  • 1 minutes
Fall trees reflect on a blue lake Expand Image

Every week, Can Geo picks a photo from recent submissions to our Photo Club as our ‘Photo of the Week.’ This photo claims prime real estate on our Instagram and Twitter, as well as serving as that week’s cover photos for our Facebook and Twitter profiles. As the year comes to an end, we wanted to showcase some of the best our photo community had to offer this year with the top ten ‘Photos of the Week.’

A Quiet Morning at Two Jake Lake by Cathleen Mewis in Banff National Park, Alta.

A still lake in the morning Expand Image

Puzzle Lake Spellbound by Jason Wilde at Puzzle Lake Provincial Park, Ont. 

A photo of the Milky Way Expand Image

After the Storm by Rene Wagner in Saskatchewan

A rainbow comes from behind the cloud in a corn field Expand Image

Mirror image big mouth by Stclair Macaulay on PEI

Two foxes play fight with their mouths wide open Expand Image

Swimming Rocky by Lauren Brown in B.C.

A swimming brown bear pokes his head out of the water Expand Image

Portrait of a Puffin by Brent Wilson in Machias Seal Island, Newfoundland

A puffin looks at the camera Expand Image

The Wedding Barn by Gabriel Miller in Saskatchewan

The sun shines through the clouds on a barn covered in snow Expand Image

Lynx Family by Connie Larson in Rossport, Ont.

A family of lynx's sits on the snow Expand Image

Trees of Abraham Lake by Evgeny Chertov

Fall trees reflect on a still blue lake Expand Image

Right In Your Own Backyard by Kelly Beckta in Ont.

A red bird sits in snow covered branches Expand Image

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Photo Club this year! If you’d like to see your photo featured as our Photo of the Week or on our social media feeds, online or even in the magazine itself, join now! 


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