Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

The Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada is a step on the path toward understanding.

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, in partnership with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis National Council and Indspire, created a groundbreaking four-volume atlas that shares the experiences, perspectives, and histories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.

Journalistic storytelling

Four-volume atlas
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This ambitious and unprecedented project was inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Exploring themes of language, demographics, economy, environment and culture, with in-depth coverage of treaties and residential schools, these are the stories of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, told in detailed maps and rich narratives.

The volumes contain more than 48 pages each of reference maps, content from more than 50 Indigenous writers, hundreds of historical and contemporary photographs, a glossary of terms, timelines, a map of Indigenous languages, and frequently asked questions, all packaged together in a beautifully-designed protective slipcase.

Poster map and essay
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To build excitement for the release of the atlas, the November/December 2017 issue of Canadian Geographic featured a beautifully-designed pull-out poster map showcasing the astounding diversity of Indigenous languages spoken throughout Canada and their relative health, measured by number of speakers. The back of the map included an essay by the anthropologist Wade Davis on the importance of preserving Indigenous languages. 


Giant Floor Map
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This map offers a unique perspective on Canada’s geography that is vital to understanding the history and diverse cultures of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Setting aside the political boundaries of provinces and territories, this map instead focuses on historical treaties and land claims, the distribution of Indigenous language families, the locations of reserves and band councils, the sites of former residential schools, and more. This resource is available for booking by educators and educational organizations through Canadian Geographic Education.

Reach: 350+ bookings (over 50,000 students engaged) 

Educational resources

Tiled map for classrooms
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This classroom-ready tiled version of the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada map is composed of 64 tiles and when put together measures 2.7 metres by 2 metres (105 inches by 78 inches).

Reach: 4,100+ downloads

Lesson plans
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Recognizing that the stories included in the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada were not ours to tell, Canadian Geographic Education collaborated with a number of Indigenous and ally organizations and educators from across Canada to create a suite of companion educational materials, including lesson plans and activities that teachers can use to examine the chapters of the atlas in more detail.

Reach: 2,300+ downloads

Digital engagement

Companion app
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A digital companion to both the printed four-part atlas and the giant floor map, the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada app provides portable and immediate access to resources and content held in the atlas. Actively used by professionals, teachers and students, the app is available for Android devices.

Reach: 1k+

Online stories
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Journalistic storytelling components featured in the November/December 2017 issue of Canadian Geographic, as well as extensive coverage of the atlas’ release and reception, were also published on and promoted through our social media channels.

Reach: 130,000 monthly visits (

Social media reach
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Canadian Geographic Basecamp engages Canadians through powerful journalistic storytelling, impactful cartography, influential documentaries and strong community partnerships from coast to coast to coast.  

For 93 years, Canadian Geographic has been and continues to be Canada’s trusted voice to inspire, educate and engage Canadians and those interested in Canada. Bringing stories of importance into the lives of a highly engaged audience, Canadian Geographic Basecamp develops content alongside partners, through strong collaboration.