The speed of the breakthrough was equally breathtaking. On May 3, 1922 — just 50 weeks after their research began — the Toronto team announced the discovery to the Association of American Physicians in Washington, D.C., earning them the first standing ovation from the association in 20 years.
For decades, the discovery of insulin has almost always been credited to Frederick Banting and Charles Best. This is especially true at U of T, which in 1923 created a Banting and Best Chair of Medical Research, followed by the Banting and Best Department of Medical Research and the Banting Institute (1930) and, in 1954, the Best Institute. After Best’s death in 1978, a second research chair and a Banting and Best Diabetes Centre were established in his honour.
But even as the accolades rained down on the duo, there was one outstanding exception. The 1923 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded jointly to Banting and John J.R. Macleod. The physiology professor, who headed up the laboratory where the research took place, had been much more involved in the research than was later acknowledged. Enraged that Macleod was honoured alongside him rather than Best, Banting shared his prize money with Best. Macleod, meanwhile, split his share of the prize with the fourth member of the team, J. Bertram Collip, a young biochemist on sabbatical from the University of Alberta. Collip’s essential contribution was producing a purified pancreatic extract, which was administered on January 23, 1922, to Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old diabetes patient at the Toronto General Hospital. That shot was the first successful human trial of insulin.
Much of the early research on insulin took place in the old medical building. Opened in 1903, it featured state-of-the-art technology, including facilities for animal research. But Banting, a wartime surgeon, lecturer and doctor turned medical researcher, was unimpressed. When he arrived in 1921, the operating room had lain unused for years and needed a thorough scrubbing to make it useable. Located just below the building’s tar-and-gravel roof, it also became unbearably hot during the summer (on at least one occasion in August, Banting and Best escaped to the rooftop with one of their dogs for some fresh air). Banting’s resentment over the stifling working conditions eventually boiled over into a heated confrontation with Macleod, and although the professor agreed to some of his demands, the incident proved to be the start of Banting’s lifelong hostility toward Macleod.