
A photo tour of Ontario

Ontario’s natural beauty is on display in this excerpt from J.A. Kraulis’s portfolio book focusing on the Ontario landscape

  • Dec 11, 2020
  • 94 words
  • 1 minutes
Aerial views of a meandering stream next to West Lake in Prince Edward County (above) and through the fertile market-garden fields of the Holland Marsh.
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Ontario’s natural beauty is sometimes forgotten in comparison to its status as the most populated province in Canada and the home of both the nation’s capital in Ottawa and the largest city in Canada in Toronto. In his new portfolio book Beautiful Ontario, J.A. Kraulis sets his focus on the distinct landscapes of cities, waters and natural wonders that make up the province of Ontario.

Below are selected photos from the book.

The largest set of locks on the Rideau Canal system are in the centre of Ottawa, descending 24 metres from the canal to the Ottawa River.
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Pecaut Square, Roy Thompson Hall and downtown Toronto from Metro Hall.
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The Lake Superior coast at sunrise, Terrace Bay Beach, Terrace Bay.
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Grasses and pine trees at evening on Head Island in the Thirty Thousand Islands north of Bayfield Inlet, Georgian Bay.
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Lichens on billion-year-old Precambrian Shield rock along the Coastal Hiking Trail near Fish Cove, Pukaskwa National Park.
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The emerald waters of Georgian Bay seen from the Bruce Trail at Boulder Beach, Bruce Peninsula National Park.
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An aerial view of Muskoka in autumn
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Aerial views of a meandering stream next to West Lake in Prince Edward County (above) and through the fertile market-garden fields of the Holland Marsh.
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These photos were taken from Beautiful Ontario by J.A. Kraulis, with permission from Firefly Books Ltd.

Photo Credit © J.A. Kraulis


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