
Melting away: The fight against Sea Star Wasting Disease

Across the Pacific Northwest, sea stars are melting at an astonishing rate as a result of a deadly disease — find out what researchers are doing and how you can help study the issue

  • Jul 10, 2024
  • 1,827 words
  • 8 minutes
An ochre star (Pisaster ochraceus) captured off the California coast shows potential early signs of Sea Star Wasting Disease. (Photo: Marco Mazza)
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The scene along the shallow waters by the Pacific Northwest shoreline is like something from a low-budget 1980s sci-fi film: deflated bodies, twisted limbs, melted blobs, and missing arms. But this isn’t the plot of a cult classic. It’s the current state of sea star populations along the Pacific coastline, and the culprit is Sea Star Wasting Disease (SSWD).

As one of the biggest threats to sea star populations, SSWD is a mystery disease with a cause that is not yet well understood. Once infected, sea stars twist their arms, trying to clean off white lesions that appear on their bodies and bore holes in their epidermis and muscles. They then lose their internal pressure and deflate. Unable to move or diffuse oxygen across their surfaces, the sea stars’ arms eventually fall off, and they die.

A diseased ochre star (Pisaster ochraceus) in Sarita, B.C, displays internal tissue necrosis and arm loss. (Photo: Carter Burtlake)
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First documented by Dr. A.D. Mead in the Eastern United States in 1898 in the Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries, SSWD later made its way to Canada, but the exact timeframe is unclear as there have been many unidentified or undocumented local outbreaks. This is partially because, as Dr. Amanda Bates, head of the Ocean Conservation Lab at the University of Victoria, describes in a 2009 study, in the early 2000s, there existed an entire category of marine epidemiology titled “wasting diseases” under which SSWD likely fell. However, the consensus of the literature suggests that this specific wasting disease gained the attention of researchers and the media after mass mortality in 2013 and 2014. According to a 2022 review published in the Biological Bulletin, “It is not clear whether the 2013–2014 outbreak is mechanistically related to prior or ongoing observations of wasting; we do not know whether the causes are the same across species or across events.” Spanning from Alaska to Mexico, this event resulted in huge losses in over 20 species of sea stars, including density reductions of up to 84 per cent in ochre stars (Pisaster ochraceus). These crucial species assist in stabilizing food webs and maintaining balance in ecosystems.

While the mass mortalities in 2013 and 2014 did spark an increase in research efforts to determine the cause of the disease, no clear answer currently exists on why these stars continue to die in such large numbers. Recent theories have proposed multi-etiological (many-pronged) and potentially transmissible sources for SSWD, including changes in their microbial communities, increased viral loads, and interactions between pathogens and temperature. This means that sea stars may be under attack from multiple angles; warming temperatures increase their vulnerability to microbial infections, while stress responses reduce immune function and lower their capacity to fight pathogens. Because it is suggested that warming water temperatures play a role in the transmission and spreading of the disease, these outbreaks have become a product of climate change that few saw coming.

A healthy painted/rainbow star (Orthrasterias koehleri) in Ucluelet, B.C. (Photo: Hannah Charness)
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The importance of sea stars 

Sea stars play a crucial role in ecosystems, with their work often going unnoticed. Although they may not produce food or pharmaceuticals, they are key players in coastal waters. Sea stars (notably sunflower stars and northern sun stars, which have taken a hard hit from SSWD) maintain healthy kelp forests and rocky intertidal zones by keeping urchins, mussels, and barnacles in check. Kelp forests and intertidal zones are habitats for commercially important fish species and shelter coastlines from wave action while increasing ocean productivity. Well-loved species like otters also make their homes in kelp forests and surrounding rocky ecosystems, while orcas use the areas to hunt. As keepers of the kelp, sea stars have been dubbed a “keystone species,” meaning they disproportionately impact the ecosystem around them relative to their population size. Sea stars are such a prominent source of biological control that the keystone species concept was modelled after the dynamics of ochre stars (Pisaster ochraceus) in the rocky intertidal zone.

Despite their importance in maintaining marine ecosystems (even with our updated theories), we have a long way to go before we can identify any verifiable cause of SSWD. Some researchers have undertaken the vital role of finding a cause, but only a select few. Because sea stars are not “commercially viable” organisms, providing little direct economic value, funding for researching their conservation is limited.

A close-up photograph showing the epidermis of a healthy leather star (Dermasterias imbricata) in Ucluelet, B.C. (Photo: Hannah Charness)
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The fight against SSWD

Among motivated researchers is Dr. Alyssa Gehmen and her lab at the Hakai Institute in B.C., spearheading research into the causative agents of SSWD. Gehmen and her team have successfully reared healthy stars in a lab as a control and can infect these stars through exposure to diseased individuals to narrow down one primary cause of wasting. They hope to link this cause with multiple disease vectors once individuals’ signs of necrosis (cell and subsequent tissue death) begin. Currently funded by NGOs such as The Nature Conservancy and the Hakai Institute, Gehmen’s work highlights the need for government funding despite the headwind in applying for grants with the field’s history of ambiguous results. Bates echoed this need. She emphasizes that “studying parasites and disease is underfunded and often considered less sexy than other topics” but that this funding is crucial to progress in SSWD ecology.

Although interest and knowledge of SSWD have increased in recent years, funding systems must be designed to match the pace. Gehmen explains that most funding for research is awarded on a cyclical basis, meaning grants are only available at specific times annually, yet mortality events occur randomly. Therefore, researchers must scramble to collect data with minimal financial aid. This is not unique to SSWD, as other erratic climate events, such as marine heatwaves and oil spills, often trigger rushed sample collection without proper funding. Rush jobs in marine science limit not only the quality and quantity of data collected but also the viability and replicability of results. These increasingly damaging and unpredictable climate events require rolling or emergency funding to be appropriately addressed, and the outdated grant-awarding system must be overhauled to keep up.

A leather star (Dermasterias imbricata) in Sarita, B.C. presents white lesions on its epidermis and a deflated body, both signs of SSWD. (Photo: Carter Burtlake)
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Looking forward, a collaboration between Canadian and US research groups facilitated through The Nature Conservancy has led to promising advances in the field, and Gehmen is hopeful that her team will have an answer for a causative agent in the near future. While the Hakai Institute continues to focus on the “how” of SSWD,  Bates predicts that with “shifts in disease, pests may be one of the biggest impacts of changing climate,” with a focus on the involvement of pests and parasites as well as the wider repercussions of disease impacting such an important species.  

In the US, the Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) is also tackling the challenge of pinning down the cause of SSWD. The team is taking a broader approach, studying the impact of sea star mortality events on surrounding communities and developing citizen science programs for monitoring local populations. Carrie Melissa Miner, an Academic Specialist with UC Santa Cruz and researcher at MARINe, says that instances of SSWD are difficult to study due to the limited stress responses that sea stars exhibit. “When sea stars are observed with lesions or tissue necrosis, particularly when there are just a handful of individuals, we cannot be sure whether symptoms are a result of disease or from another cause such as injury incurred from a predation attempt that exposed tissue to bacteria/infection,” she says. So, whether sea stars are experiencing low salinities, high temperatures, or even diseases is hard to distinguish. In addition to the ambiguous cause of SSWD, it is a widespread and sporadic challenge. “For geographically expansive events like SSW, a coordinated, collaborative effort among scientists, resource managers, and community science groups is essential for documenting the extent of impact,” says Miner. This means collecting data that can be compiled into long-term data sets, which are crucial in identifying ecological regime shifts and predicting changes in ecosystem dynamics.

Sea Star Wasting Disease highlights the inadequacies of funding systems and the deficiencies in disease research approaches. Gehman and her graduate student Grace Crandall point out the need for new frameworks for studying diseases that may have multiple causes because, at the moment, “governing bodies overseeing the ecology and evolution of disease want to know that you’re studying an infectious disease before giving funding” says Gehmen. However, she explains that past techniques of using controlled infection studies aren’t applicable in cases where there might be many different factors working in tandem to trigger an immune response or in cases where stress responses in the organism are limited. According to her, “ it can take about 10 years to find the cause of marine diseases” due to a lack of a “baseline for what’s normal in marine invertebrates.” Gehmen and Crandall emphasize the continued need for research into the physiological and ecological consequences of SSWD despite a lack of clear cause because, as Crandall puts it, “there’s more to every organism than just the organism itself.” 

A photograph of a healthy bat star (Patiria miniata) in Ucluelet, B.C. (Photo: Hannah Charness)
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Sea stars may not be a food source for humans, but they hold an intrinsic nostalgic or symbolic value to many who consider them emblematic of marine life. If current hypotheses are correct, and this is a multi-faceted, environmentally plastic threat, researchers and the public must take an equally diverse approach to tackling it. SSWD may be a more representative product of climate change than we initially realized. A 2022 review published in the Biological Bulletin summarizes more than a century of research in SSWD. It suggests that without a definitive answer, it is likely the result of compounding environmental and biological changes and could be affected by anthropogenic stressors. As Crandall explains: “It’s very unlikely, I think, that the tragic impacts of SSWD were the sole responsibility of a pathogen or pathogens. There are many more factors at play that can impact things like pathogen virulence, host susceptibility and infection response.” As a result, SSWD is not a quick fix; it lacks direct commercial significance, and interdisciplinary interventions are needed to combat it. The success or failure to address this issue within the next few years may indicate society’s ability to fight climate change.

How you can help

Doing your part in preventing these situations can seem daunting; how is one supposed to tackle a plague sweeping across the Pacific Northwest? The answer may vary, but volunteering to collect data for local NGOs, documenting cases of SSWD on citizen science platforms like iNaturalist, learning about the importance of keystone species and continuing to reduce your carbon footprint are just some ways to make an impact. While not everyone can put on a lab coat and study disease transcriptomics (the study of RNA molecules in a cell) like the Hakai Institute, being educated on the extent of climate threats facing the oceans makes each one of us all the more conscious of our impact on marine ecosystems and, hopefully, a bit more mindful in how we treat them.


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