Here’s a by-the-numbers look at Christmas tree farming in Canada (all information from Statistics Canada):
2,381: Farms that grew Christmas trees in Canada in 2011.
647: Christmas tree farms in Ontario in 2011.
54.4 acres: Average area of land per Christmas tree farm in Quebec in 2011. On average, Quebec has the largest Christmas tree farms.
$27.9 million: Value of fresh-cut Christmas trees exported from Canada to the rest of the world in 2013.
$25.5 million: Value of fresh-cut Christmas trees exported from Canada to the U.S. in 2013.
1,574,847: Number of fresh-cut Christmas trees exported from Canada in 2013.
1,535,836: Number of fresh-cut Christmas trees exported from Canada to the U.S. in 2013.
17: Other countries where fresh Christmas trees were exported to. (Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, France, Jamaica, Japan, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, Russia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.)
$15.3 million: Value of Christmas tree exports in 2013 from Quebec, the province that exported the most trees last year.
$55 million: Value of artificial Christmas trees imported to Canada from China in 2013, up for $48.5 million the year before.