RCGS Ambassador: Fred Cattroll

Fred Cattroll has over 35 years of experience in the art of creating images and a long list of honoured appointments. These include recruitment as the official photographer for the Assembly of First Nations’ historic meeting with Pope Benedict XVI, designated photographer for the Dalai Lama delegation’s visit to Ottawa and the Dalai Lama’s Ethics for a Whole World event in Ottawa and The Canadian Museum of Civilization has requested Fred’s lifetime work for use as a national collection.
Fred’s photography is well known for its intimate human touch. Seductive in simplicity, his pictures are subtle interplays of light and image, carrying forward messages of intelligence, honesty, and elegance. In many ways, Fred’s unique photographic style is an extension of himself. Physically distinctive, at six-feet and seven-inches tall, he has a warm interpersonal manner that quickly puts people at ease. While attending Carleton University School of Journalism, Fred discovered a passion for photography. This led him to Toronto’s Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Still Photography. His work has been published in the Ottawa Citizen, New York Times, Washington Post, London Times, and Toronto Star. His work is also in the collection of the National Gallery, Canadian Museum of Photography, the National Arts Centre, and the Canadian Museum of Civilization.