Results 7

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Science & Tech

Inside your smartphone: analyzing the rare-earth elements

How so-called rare earth elements are powering our modern tech — and where to find them

  • 384 words
  • 2 minutes


Mobile photography fun with the LG G7 ThinQ

The new smartphone from LG takes the guesswork out of snapping photos on the go, with mixed results

  • 739 words
  • 3 minutes
a mosaic of people trying Crickstart products

People & Culture

This Canadian food startup wants you to eat crickets. Here’s why

Nutritious and ecologically friendly, crickets might just be the food of the future

  • 580 words
  • 3 minutes


Canadian neuroscientist to embark on Antarctic leadership expedition

Dr. Catherine Sorbara is the sole Canadian participating in Homeward Bound 2018, an annual three-week-long expedition in Antarctica aimed at bolstering women leaders in STEMM

  • 526 words
  • 3 minutes

Science & Tech

Infographic: How endangered whales’ songs could be key to their protection

How do you save an endangered species in the vastness of the open ocean? Listen for it.

  • 368 words
  • 2 minutes

Bulk Search Results

Screenshot of the new Google Earth


Google launches new and improved Google Earth, with more ways to explore the world

Canadian Geographic Education tapped to host workshops to help teachers make the most of the new tool 

  • 526 words
  • 3 minutes

Science & Tech

Alternative fuel sources get put to the test at Shell Eco-marathon Americas

Categories for hydrogen and battery-electric cars attract teams interested in shaping the future of fuel 

  • 823 words
  • 4 minutes