• Electricity
  • Heating and Cooling
  • Home Envelope
  • Home Improvement

The proof is in officially. Small changes make an impact!

By The Proulx-Coll Household

It can be hard to estimate the exact impact a retrofit will have on your carbon footprint and energy bill.  Since all our systems are electric (including our transportation), we can measure the impact using our utility bill.  In the fall, did these main changes:

We were eager to find out the impact of those small changes on our electricity bill and the results are in!  According to Hydro-Quebec, our home is better than an energy efficient home!  Also interestingly, in the comparison to last year, the period this year was 2 days longer and 1 degree colder! 

Written by The Proulx-Coll Household

Read more of their stories as they vie with the other seven households to reduce their carbon footprint.

Meet the The Proulx-Coll Household
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