• Commuting

International Winter Bike to Work Day

The Waddell-Shankland Household

By The Waddell-Shankland Household

February 9 was International Winter Bike to Work Day. We were happy to get out on bikes and on foot and join people of our community to help promote active transit which all help to keep our planet and ourselves healthy and happy.

In the evening Crystal was @windsorbikekitchen presenting our Community Commuting challenge that we put forward to our wider community in the fall, while we were doing our own commuting challenge with @cangeo. There was a ton of positive feedback and support from the community and so many people were keen to see this keep going. We intend to do another one this year. It has all inspired us to keep going. We even met a couple of the participants who joined our challenge in the fall, which was amazing. One of which asked us questions about our cargo bike and having kids – we can’t say enough about how fun it has been having the cargo bike and getting to know our community with it. Not only do we find it very safe for getting around with kids, it also sparks many conversations and tons of smiles when we are stopped at a traffic light.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to be part of a community pushing forward for positive change. There is efficacy in numbers. More people on bikes and using active transit means the push for better infrastructure and education and implementation for safety in our streets.

Happy cycling everyone. We’d love to hear your own stories and thoughts about Winter Bike to Work Day and how you engage in your own community for the health and wellbeing of our planet and individuals.

Written by The Waddell-Shankland Household

Read more of their stories as they vie with the other seven households to reduce their carbon footprint.

Meet the The Waddell-Shankland Household
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