Jenn Thornhill Verma

Jenn Thornhill Verma is a proud Newfoundlander descended from a long line of fishers. She has worked and lived in Ottawa in the non-profit healthcare sector for the past decade. Previously, she worked as a producer/reporter in public and private radio in Newfoundland and Labrador. Thornhill Verma has published and contributed to more than 40 articles in her healthcare field, presents at national and international conferences and guest lectures for graduate-level programs. Recently, she revisits her family’s fishing roots in her writing, having published feature stories about the legacy of the cod fishery collapse in MaisonneuveDownhomeSaltscapes, exploreNewfoundland Quarterly and The Telegram. In 2019, she was named a finalist in the Best New Magazine Writer category at the National Magazine Awards and a silver finalist for an Atlantic Journalism Award (category: Best Profile). Thornhill-Verma’s first book, Cod Collapse: The Rise and Fall of Newfoundland’s Saltwater Cowboys will be published in fall 2019 by Nimbus Publishing.

