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Video of the week: funnel cloud forms in Windsor, Ont.

Watch a tornado touch down

  • Aug 26, 2016
  • 148 words
  • 1 minutes
funnel cloud in windsor Expand Image

A tornado left a wake of destruction in LaSalle and Windsor, Ont. on Aug. 24, uprooting trees and tearing rooves off buildings. Local resident Kevin Ross captured one of the times it touched down on film. Standing on his deck, Ross filmed a one-minute, 13-second video of a funnel cloud forming beyond his backyard. 

“I had all the kids in the cellar, and I knew if it turned my way I would be able to jump downstairs and join them,” Ross told the CBC.

Another local, Maria Franzoi told the Windsor Star, “I felt like I was going to die, and I have never had that feeling before…It was loudest, scariest noise I have ever heard in my life.”

Watch the video below.


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