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VIDEO: Interview with CG cartographer Chris Brackley

  • Mar 05, 2013
  • 183 words
  • 1 minutes
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Canadian Geographic has featured detailed maps of Canada and the world for more than 80 years. Since 2011, Chris Brackley has been the cartographer behind Canadian Geographic‘s maps.

Brackley has been making maps for more than two decades and is the lead cartographer and owner of As the Crow Flies cARTography. “I’ve always aspired to connect people with place,” Brackley says. “I feel like a map has succeeded if it has given a mental image of a place to people that they didn’t have before.”

Canadian Geographic caught up with Chris Brackley to get his views on why maps still matter.

Are maps still important today?

What does a sense of space mean to you?

What makes a good map?

Is cartography an art or a science?

Learn more about cartography and Canadian Geographic’s history of mapping at You are here.


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