
Video: Celebrate Earth Day 2020 with images of wildlife from around the world

Michelle Valberg, Photographer-In-Residence, compiles some of her favourite wildlife images to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day

  • Apr 22, 2020
  • 142 words
  • 1 minutes
a collage of wildlife photos including a polar bear, horse, gosling, cheetah, gorilla, loon, grizzly bear and fox Expand Image

On April 22, 1970, what started as a series of “teach-ins” on environmental issues at university campuses across the United States blossomed into the global Earth Day movement, spanning half a century, 190 countries and reaching more than one billion people. Though the world will be celebrating Earth Day 2020 a little differently this year — public events and marches are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic — this year’s theme of “climate action” underscores the important actions we can take at home to mitigate climate change.

Perhaps one of the greatest risks of a warming planet is the threat to wildlife biodiversity. To remind us why we all need to take action, Photographer-in-Residence Michelle Valberg created this video featuring the incredible animals she’s photographed around the world. Watch below.


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