People & Culture
10 amazing aurora photos from Can Geo’s Instagram community
A roundup of the best photos of the northern lights submitted to our hashtag this week
- 564 words
- 3 minutes
This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information.
Last year, we began showcasing images from Can Geo’s Instagram community on our website, hoping to inspire more people to share their photos from Canada and around the world with us.
This year, for our first Travel roundup of 2018, we’ve picked 10 photos we hope will inspire our readers to get outside and explore their own backyard. As the January/February 2018 issue of Canadian Geographic — which celebrates the completion of The Great Trail — begins arriving in mailboxes and on newsstands across the country, we felt it was the perfect time to celebrate Canada’s beauty, from coast to coast to coast.
Originally posted by @everythingeverywhere, shared on @CanGeo
A post shared by Canadian Geographic (@cangeo), originally from @everythingeverywhere
People & Culture
A roundup of the best photos of the northern lights submitted to our hashtag this week
People & Culture
10 destinations to add to your must-see list, as captured by @CanGeoTravel’s editors and Instagram community
People & Culture
We asked some of Canada’s most accomplished photographers why they dedicate their time to capturing images of nature. Here’s what they said.
People & Culture
Nous avons demandé à certains des photographes les plus remarquables du Canada d’expliquer pourquoi ils dédient leur temps à capter des images de la nature. Voici ce qu’ils ont révélé.