Top 100 Results

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The harsh realities of sealing life at “the Front”

When Quest sank, she had 5,200 seal pelts in the hold. A look at the intersecting worlds of polar exploration and sealing.

  • 1524 words
  • 7 minutes


The board game boom

Canada became a hotbed of gaming in the 1980s, for better or for worse

  • 688 words
  • 3 minutes


Death rattle: a B.C. priest’s war on rattlesnakes

A look at the devastating environmental toll and the unlikely positive influence a historical conflict with rattlesnakes had on Canadian herpetology

  • 734 words
  • 3 minutes


Le Yukon a 125 ans

Un regard sur la façon dont le territoire est devenu partie intégrante du Canada, et sur son avenir

  • 794 words
  • 4 minutes


Yukon at 125

A look at how the territory became part of Canada — and where its future lies

  • 718 words
  • 3 minutes

hudsons bay company


Old photo of two climbers looking out over a ridge climbing Mount Logan


From the archives: Frozen feat — a personal account of the 1925 expedition to conquer Mount Logan

The journey a master mountaineer described “one of the strangest ventures of my life.”

  • 638 words
  • 3 minutes




canadian history



Ham radio and the world of amateur radio operators

A dive into the fascinating evolution of radio, starting from the first received message at Signal Hill, Newfoundland  

  • 2442 words
  • 10 minutes


May/June 2022


Living on the edge: Becoming Toronto

A map of Toronto in 1878 shows a small city on the brink of massive expansion.

  • 766 words
  • 4 minutes

Commémoration Canada


Le célèbre enfant de Guelph

Un regard sur la vie et l’héritage de John McCrae à l’occasion du 150e anniversaire de sa naissance

  • 751 words
  • 4 minutes


150e anniversaire : le Mouvement des neuf heures et l’adoption de la Loi sur les syndicats

Pour comprendre les protestations des travailleurs qui ont ouvert la voie à la création de syndicats pour promouvoir les droits des ouvriers

  • 1344 words
  • 6 minutes


Le grand égalisateur? Se souvenir de la promesse de la Loi sur la citoyenneté canadienne.

Que signifie être un citoyen canadien? Que vos ancêtres habitent cette terre depuis des temps immémoriaux ou que vous ayez récemment immigré, les différentes…

  • 545 words
  • 3 minutes


Célébration du centenaire de l’élection de la première députée du Canada, Agnes Macphail

Un siècle plus tard, l’ancienne politicienne fédérale Catherine McKenna fait le point sur ce qui a changé — et sur le chemin qu’il nous reste à parcourir.

  • 1061 words
  • 5 minutes


​Les Traités 1 et 2 : Dans les faits

Cette année marque un siècle et demi depuis que les traités 1 et 2 ont été signés

  • 734 words
  • 3 minutes



Bulk Search Results


The untold story of the Hudson’s Bay Company

A look back at the early years of the 350-year-old institution that once claimed a vast portion of the globe

  • 4473 words
  • 18 minutes


L’histoire inédite de la Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson

Une rétrospective des débuts de l’institution fondée il y a 350 ans, qui revendiquait autrefois une part importante du globe

  • 5124 words
  • 21 minutes


Explore presents the Hudson’s Bay Company – Part 1: Waskaganish

Episode 12

The Explore podcast delves into the 350-year history of the Hudson’s Bay Company. In this, the first of a four-part series, we visit the James Bay Cree Nation of Waskaganish, site of the first-ever HBC trading post. 

  • 35 minutes
University of Toronto old medical building


Diabetes breakthrough: The discovery of insulin

A century ago, the medical school building at the University of Toronto was the site of a momentous scientific breakthrough

  • 708 words
  • 3 minutes
University of Toronto old medical building


Percée dans le traitement du diabète

Il y a un siècle, le bâtiment de l’école de médecine de l’Université de Toronto était le site de la découverte révolutionnaire de l’insuline 

  • 820 words
  • 4 minutes


L’évolution du cinéma Roseland : 75 ans après le combat de Viola Desmond contre la ségrégation

Le 8 novembre 1946, Viola Desmond est entrée dans l’histoire au cinéma Roseland. Soixante-quinze ans plus tard, le site poursuit son travail de sensibilisation auprès de la communauté.

  • 481 words
  • 2 minutes


75 years after Viola Desmond’s stand against segregation, former theatre honours her legacy

On Nov. 8, 1946, Viola Desmond made history at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow, N.S. Seventy-five years later, the building’s exterior pays tribute to her life through art.

  • 660 words
  • 3 minutes
Map of treaties 1 and 2


Treaties 1 and 2: Reflecting on the 150th anniversary

This year marks a century and a half since the first numbered treaties were signed

  • 610 words
  • 3 minutes


Going to Klondyke: The 19th-century game that brought the gold rush into American homes

Published in the New York Journal as a fanciful full-page map, Going to Klondyke encouraged everyday newspaper readers to try their luck at gold prospecting in the Yukon

  • 451 words
  • 2 minutes


Charlotte Gray

Episode 9

The bestselling author and historian on why exploration is essential to understanding Canada’s history 

  • 46 minutes
UN, United Nations, 1945, LAC


Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations charter

Tracing the history of the United Nations with a map, produced for schools in 1947 to commemorate the momentous coming together of the planet for a greater good

  • 533 words
  • 3 minutes


Excerpt: 305 Lost Buildings of Canada

Raymond Biesinger and Alex Bozikovic uncover the legacies of buildings from across that country that are now gone but still have something to say

  • 1618 words
  • 7 minutes


A century ago today, the Bluenose made history

100 years ago — on October 22, 1921 — the iconic Nova Scotian schooner was victorious in its first major race

  • 503 words
  • 3 minutes
Soft sunrise colours over Niagara Falls


Niagara Falls is actually a marvel of engineering

A book by environmental historian Daniel Macfarlane reveals the decades of technological feats and cross-border politics that went into “fixing” one of North America’s most important natural sites

  • 1255 words
  • 6 minutes
A Black and white photo of a sign that says


Gateway to Canada: A look back at Pier 21

Canada’s last active seaport immigration shed closed 50 years ago — a look back at Pier 21

A painted portrait of a ship on the ocean waves


Derrière les voiles

Le symbolisme du Bluenose, l’emblématique goélette canadienne de pêche et de course, est peut-être tout aussi pertinent aujourd’hui qu’il y a 100 ans, lorsque le navire a touché l’eau pour la première fois

  • 3834 words
  • 16 minutes
A painted portrait of a ship on the ocean waves


Bluenose: Behind the sails

The symbolism of the iconic Canadian fishing and racing schooner Bluenose may be as relevant today as it was 100 years ago when the ship first hit the water

  • 3226 words
  • 13 minutes
A topographical map of the Canadian Rockies from the early 1900's


Picturing the mountains

A French-born Canadian changed the world of mapping by photographing the Rockies

  • 354 words
  • 2 minutes


Discovery history: Race to the top

A 17th-century circumpolar map shows the early days of Arctic exploration

  • 447 words
  • 2 minutes


Excerpt from The Pull of the Stars

Author Emma Donoghue’s novel about the 1918 pandemic offers up many parallels to our 2020 pandemic experience

  • 718 words
  • 3 minutes


Célébration du 75e anniversaire de la signature de la Charte des Nations Unies

Retracer l’histoire des Nations Unies à l’aide d’une carte, réalisée pour les écoles en 1947 afin de commémorer le grand moment de l’union de la planète pour le plus grand bien

  • 620 words
  • 3 minutes


Célébrant les 100 ans du Groupe des Sept

La première exposition des artistes avait lieu le 7 mai 1920

  • 201 words
  • 1 minutes


Celebrating 100 years of the Group of Seven

Their first exhibition was May 7, 1920 at what is now the Art Gallery of Ontario

  • 191 words
  • 1 minutes
Woodcut of Pierre-Esprit Radisson next to cover of Mark Bourrie's book


Adventurer, turncoat, cannibal: the remarkable story of Pierre-Esprit Radisson

In his new book Bush Runner: The Adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson, Mark Bourrie examines the larger-than-life legacy of the French-Canadian fur trader 

  • 1058 words
  • 5 minutes
Flight of the Highlanders, settlement, Canada, Scotland, Scottish, Manitoba, Metis


Flight of the Highlanders: The Making of Canada

A new book by Ken McGoogan traces the experiences of Scottish Highlanders evicted from their homes to pre-Confederation Canada

  • 2675 words
  • 11 minutes
The Flag Committee, Canada, Flag, maple leaf, 1965


Four flags that almost became Canada’s national flag

Our beloved red-and-white maple leaf flag was raised on Feb. 15, 1965, but not before years of angry debates and a parade of competing designs were put down

  • 880 words
  • 4 minutes
Women in Nunavut running across a snow-covered field towards the camera


Throwback Thursday: Nunavut up and running

On April 1, 1999, Canada’s youngest population took control of its largest territory. Here’s how Canadian Geographic covered the story. 

  • 2880 words
  • 12 minutes
Hebron Mission Station 1906 with Harmony ship in background


When death came to Labrador

An excerpt from We All Expected to Die: Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919

  • 1234 words
  • 5 minutes
A tribute placed at the Vimy Memorial


The next 100 years

Now that a century has passed since the end of the First World War, is it inevitable that efforts to remember the events of the war will start to fade?

  • 1029 words
  • 5 minutes