Results 21




a bowhead whale and calf swim in deep blue waters, edged by ice floes


A library full of sound: How a new collection of underwater sounds will help protect marine life

The Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds (GLUB) will catalogue sounds from whales to fish (glub?) to boat noise

  • 932 words
  • 4 minutes


“Whale superhighway” map marks World Whale Day

Plus: Marathon hare migrations, increasingly efficient wolves, wandering basking sharks and homemaking bees

  • 933 words
  • 4 minutes


Scientists solve mystery of lunge-feeding whales

Plus: Arctic-bound beavers, New Brunswick’s rare vulture visit, Manitoba’s cougar comeback and Canada’s feistiest flora

  • 1010 words
  • 5 minutes


Worlds apart: B.C’s ultimate adventure

The ultimate B.C. adventure takes guests from bustling Victoria’s Fairmont Empress to increasingly remote stops at Tofino’s famed Wickaninnish Inn and finally Nimmo Bay Resort in the Great Bear Rainforest.

  • 1749 words
  • 7 minutes


Waking up with the whales on Quirpon Island, Newfoundland

Quirpon Island has long been a favourite off-grid getaway for in-the-know travellers. Now, the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn is doubling down on its biggest draws: whales and icebergs.

  • 1165 words
  • 5 minutes


Bulk Search Results

A humpback whale breaches off the Gaspé peninsula


How photos and videos are changing whale research across Canada

To save whales, we first have to understand them. Here are three Canadian projects aimed at doing just that.

  • 671 words
  • 3 minutes
A screenshot from and Polar Bears International's live underwater beluga webcam


Watch Manitoba beluga whales frolic — for science

Live underwater webcam captures the antics of the lovable whales, but also provides important insight into beluga biology

  • 341 words
  • 2 minutes