Results 3

Science & Tech

ReefShip to the rescue

A new kind of concrete could help regrow depleted kelp forests off Nova Scotia’s coast

  • 489 words
  • 2 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: Costa’s hummingbird found livin’ on a Prairie

Plus: the extinct mega-herbivore that once shaped kelp forests, the rare fern fueling a Cape Breton golf course controversy, the great gray owl’s hunting skills revealed, and the continuing crash of Canada’s fish stocks despite investment.

  • 912 words
  • 4 minutes
Sea lion swimming among a kelp forest


Kelp: The sustainable superfood coming soon to a plate near you

Kelp’s potential as a commercial crop is finally being recognized — and, as kelp forests vanish worldwide, so is its importance in coastal ecosystems 

  • 2515 words
  • 11 minutes