Results 26

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People & Culture

Uncle teachings and auntie laughter

An ambitious initiative by the Rideau Hall Foundation seeks to enrich Canada’s learning landscape with 10,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis teachers, transforming education for Indigenous students

  • 2224 words
  • 9 minutes
A group of people snowshoe down a snowy bank beside a frozen river, their shadows stretching out over sparkling snow. There is a bridge in the background and the snow is low in the sky. At the back is a woman wearing a knitted fleece and a Métis scarf tied around her waist.


Métis Crossing, Alberta’s first Métis cultural destination

Experiencing living history at Métis Crossing, a one-of-a-kind destination for Métis people to share Métis stories 

  • 1739 words
  • 7 minutes

People & Culture

Les rivières de la résistance : une histoire de la Métis Nation of Ontario

« Nous en avions assez de nous cacher derrière les arbres. » Les flux et reflux de l’histoire des Métis telle qu’elle s’est déroulée sur les rives de l’Ontario 

  • 4946 words
  • 20 minutes

People & Culture

Rivers of resistance: A history of the Métis Nation of Ontario

“We were tired of hiding behind trees.” The ebb and flow of Métis history as it has unfolded on Ontario’s shores 

  • 4409 words
  • 18 minutes

People & Culture

Elder Norman Fleury – The history of the Michif language

Episode 5

The author of the Michif Dictionary takes us on a deep dive into the history of the Michif language from its earliest roots in the fur trade up to the present day

  • 53 minutes

indigenous languages




Bulk Search Results

Three people looking down at a giant floor map

People & Culture

A celebration of the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

The first-of-its-kind educational resource aims to share the stories and cultures of Indigenous peoples with Canadians and the world 

  • 860 words
  • 4 minutes

People & Culture

“This is where our heart is”

Earlier this year, an Alberta Métis community became the first to purchase their territory from the province. Here’s what it means for their future. 

  • 832 words
  • 4 minutes
A Métis family with Red River carts in North Dakota, 1883 (Photo: STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH DAKOTA, A4365)


Toward a Métis homeland

As Canada embarks on a process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the Métis are still without territory to call their own

  • 277 words
  • 2 minutes