Results 3


Marine protected areas in Canada may not be as protected as we think

Marine protected areas are widely considered to be an effective tool for ocean conservation. But are they living up to their full potential? 

  • 409 words
  • 2 minutes
Three long-finned pilot whales swim in a cerulean blue sea


Canada announces ban on industrial activities in marine protected areas

Oil and gas extraction, mining, dumping among prohibited activities in ecologically sensitive areas set aside for conservation

  • 805 words
  • 4 minutes
A  carpet  of  orange  zoanthids,  red  coralline  encrusting  algae  (shallow  enough  for  algae),  Stylaster  sp.hydrocorals, and  encrusting  demosponges.


Off B.C. coast, scientists discover extinct volcanoes teeming with life

Expedition team calls for permanent protection of undersea mountain range

  • 568 words
  • 3 minutes