Results 4


Big tree hunters: saving the last untouched areas of the planet

How a niche British Columbia-based community is working to bring attention to the importance of old-growth forests

  • 1521 words
  • 7 minutes


Before and after photos show devastating effects of intensive logging on B.C.’s old-growth forests

Conservation photographer TJ Watt advocates for the protection of old-growth ecosystems by documenting the loss of giant trees

  • 364 words
  • 2 minutes
Bigleaf maple leaves on a leaf press

Science & Tech

Stopping timber thieves with DNA

Volunteers are collecting samples from bigleaf maples to prevent illegal logging

  • 617 words
  • 3 minutes
A boreal caribou cow nurses her calf in northeastern B.C.


Critical habitat for boreal woodland caribou still unprotected six months after deadline

Environmental groups frustrated by lack of action on the part of the provinces 

  • 566 words
  • 3 minutes