Results 10




The many benefits of the minuscule but mighty Miyawaki forests

Pioneered by a Japanese botanist, compact Miyawaki forests are beginning to replace backyard lawns on tiny plots around Canada

  • 438 words
  • 2 minutes


Bioacoustics: What nature’s sounds can tell us about the health of our world

Recording the soundscapes of our ecosystems is a burgeoning field that allows researchers to better decode what the Earth is saying. But are we listening?  

  • 3792 words
  • 16 minutes

People & Culture

5 Canadian artists addressing Canada’s increasingly threatened landscapes 

A century after the Group of Seven became famous for an idealized vision of Canadian nature, contemporary artists are incorporating environmental activism into work that highlights Canada’s disappearing landscapes 

  • 2058 words
  • 9 minutes


Space invasion: Is it too late to save the Great Lakes?

How a cocktail of invasive species and global change is altering the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River ecosystem

  • 2231 words
  • 9 minutes


I am Mutehekau Shipu: A river’s journey to personhood in eastern Quebec

In February 2021, the world was introduced to Mutehekau Shipu — also known as the Magpie River — when the people of Ekuanitshit, Que. and the regional municipality made a joint declaration granting the river legal personhood and rights. The declaration carries broad implications for the fight to protect nature across Canada and around the world.

  • 3623 words
  • 15 minutes

Bulk Search Results

four inuit women stand on the shore showcasing their tattoos

People & Culture

Kakiniit: The art of Inuit tattooing

Inuit tattoos, or kakiniit, were once banned. Now they are worn with pride.

  • 1490 words
  • 6 minutes