Results 55

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What is the most “Canadian” animal? It’s not the moose

Move over caribou and loon; it might be time for the opossum or mudpuppy to grace our currency

  • 734 words
  • 3 minutes

People & Culture

People & Culture

A community’s quest to document every species on their island home

Naming leads to knowing, which leads to understanding. Residents of a small British Columbia island take to the forests and beaches to connect with their nonhuman neighbours 

  • 4643 words
  • 19 minutes

People & Culture

‘Frick, I Love Nature’: CBC Gem’s newest comedy/nature series you need to see to believe

Hosted by Gordie Lucius, this Edmonton-made series takes viewers on a grand adventure to understand all of nature’s most interesting (and questionable) gifts 

  • 493 words
  • 2 minutes

People & Culture

5 Canadian artists addressing Canada’s increasingly threatened landscapes 

A century after the Group of Seven became famous for an idealized vision of Canadian nature, contemporary artists are incorporating environmental activism into work that highlights Canada’s disappearing landscapes 

  • 2058 words
  • 9 minutes

People & Culture

Douze photographes canadiens partagent la nature qu’ils adorent

Nous avons demandé à certains des photographes les plus remarquables du Canada d’expliquer pourquoi ils dédient leur temps à capter des images de la nature. Voici ce qu’ils ont révélé.

  • 5125 words
  • 21 minutes

People & Culture

12 Canadian photographers share the nature they love

We asked some of Canada’s most accomplished photographers why they dedicate their time to capturing images of nature. Here’s what they said.

  • 4878 words
  • 20 minutes



climate change




Bioacoustics: What nature’s sounds can tell us about the health of our world

Recording the soundscapes of our ecosystems is a burgeoning field that allows researchers to better decode what the Earth is saying. But are we listening?  

  • 3792 words
  • 16 minutes




Live Net Zero: Turning up the heat

In the heating and cooling challenge, the participating families found ways to improve the energy efficiency of their home’s HVAC – from heat pumps to solar panels

  • 1547 words
  • 7 minutes


Network of Nature: The new program working to restore Canada’s biodiversity, one plant at a time

Network of Nature aims to inspire Canadians to improve the long-term health of our ecosystems through the planting of native species

  • 1009 words
  • 5 minutes


The many benefits of the minuscule but mighty Miyawaki forests

Pioneered by a Japanese botanist, compact Miyawaki forests are beginning to replace backyard lawns on tiny plots around Canada

  • 438 words
  • 2 minutes


All about bees: Common misconceptions, helping pollinators and how to actually ‘save the bees’ 

A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat Gardens for Native Pollinators is an inspiring and practical guide that will help gardeners create habitats full of life and learn about what is needed to take action to support and protect pollinators 

  • 736 words
  • 3 minutes

Science & Tech

Citizen to scientist: Six apps that can help you make a difference

Whether you’re monitoring monarchs or searching for snakes, these mobile apps will allow you to become a scientist right from your backyard

  • 697 words
  • 3 minutes

Bulk Search Results

Environment and Climate Change minister Catherine McKenna


Exclusive interview: Catherine McKenna on the science, community and value of parks

The Environment and Climate Change minister shares insights from her recent tour of Labrador's Nunatsiavut region and Torngat Mountains National Park

  • 1823 words
  • 8 minutes
baby boars


Saskatchewan’s wild boar problem

A porcine invader poses a serious risk to the province's agriculture industry and native vegetation

  • 187 words
  • 1 minutes
Duo Lakes near the Snake River in the Peel watershed area in Yukon.


In the Supreme Court’s Peel watershed decision, signs of hope for a new land power paradigm

To many, the Yukon appears to be the vanguard of a growing Indigenous land power movement in Canada centred mostly in the North

  • 1056 words
  • 5 minutes
Plastic bottles and recyclables


Environmental groups unite to demand a zero-plastic waste future for Canada

In a declaration released in advance of this weekend’s G7 summit, more than 40 environmental groups have challenged Canada to achieve zero plastic waste by 2025

  • 727 words
  • 3 minutes
Illustration by Guy Parsons


Canada’s dirty secret

Canada leads the developed world in per capita production of garbage. What’s behind our nation’s wasteful ways? 

  • 4225 words
  • 17 minutes
More than 10,000 people visit the Canada-Wide Science Fair each year.


Meet five young scientists taking on major environmental issues

These finalists in the 57th annual Canada-Wide Science Fair prove the future is in good hands

  • 217 words
  • 1 minutes
Richard Louv Our Wild Calling


Habitat of the heart

An exclusive excerpt from nature-deficit disorder expert Richard Louv's new book Our Wild Calling: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform Our Lives — and Save Theirs

  • 1086 words
  • 5 minutes
Cod Collapse Jenn Thornhill Verma


The day the cod collapsed

An exclusive excerpt from the new book Cod Collapse: The Rise and Fall of Newfoundland's Saltwater Cowboys

  • 1195 words
  • 5 minutes
women on a bridge looking into a forest


My relationship with nature: It’s complicated

Experts tackle our difficult relationship with nature in panel discussions hosted by Nature Conservancy of Canada 

  • 801 words
  • 4 minutes


Why Canada needs an Environmental Bill of Rights

What do you get the country that has it all for its 150th birthday? 

  • 687 words
  • 3 minutes
Comfort Maple in Fenwick, Ont., fall colours


Seven iconic Canadian trees

In a nation of forests, these trees stand head and shoulders above the rest

  • 65 words
  • 1 minutes