Results 35




Why understanding animal behaviour is key for biodiversity conservation

By understanding why animals do what they do, we can better protect them while making people care

  • 1906 words
  • 8 minutes

endangered species


Punctuation’s mark: Can we save the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale?

After a series of mass deaths in recent years, what can we do?

  • 4110 words
  • 17 minutes


Study finds reef sharks ‘functionally extinct’ from 20 per cent of the world’s reefs

Lead author Aaron MacNeil discusses what this means for coral ecosystems and what Canadians can do to help

  • 1375 words
  • 6 minutes
snake curled up on sticks


The strange way scientists are trying to save snakes in southwestern Ontario

You’ve heard of snakes on a plane, but what about snakes in tubes? 

  • 612 words
  • 3 minutes
Puvirnituq mountain draba


Tiny plant and animal species raise big questions for conservation biologists

Nearly half of the wildlife species assessed at the most recent meeting of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada are small and obscure, with limited ranges. Here’s why they matter.

  • 830 words
  • 4 minutes
A woman stands alone looking out over an empty prairie under a cloudy blue sky


Guardians of the grasslands

How conservationists and ranchers in Saskatchewan are working to slow the loss of an endangered ecosystem

  • 2346 words
  • 10 minutes


Arctic tern on Machias Seal Island, New Brunswick


Should we kill one bird to save another?

On New Brunswick’s Machias Seal Island, predatory gulls are pushing endangered Arctic tern colonies to the brink, creating a dilemma for wildlife managers

  • 2151 words
  • 9 minutes


Bulk Search Results

bluefin, bluefin tuna documentary


Bluefin tuna in Atlantic Canada are no longer afraid of humans — and that’s a bad sign

A new documentary portrays the remarkable species as a symbol of a “precariously broken” ocean ecosystem

  • 433 words
  • 2 minutes
Canada lynx


Land-use disputes south of the border threaten long-term survival of Canada lynx

The plight of Lynx canadensis, which is not at risk in Canada but threatened in the United States, highlights the difficulty of conserving species across borders

  • 660 words
  • 3 minutes
A male Canada warbler


How citizen scientists are helping to protect migratory birds

Conserving at-risk species is difficult when they’re constantly crossing international borders, but digital tools are making it easier than ever to track feathered globetrotters

  • 1383 words
  • 6 minutes
Greater sage grouse


Survey finds Canadians support limiting human activity to save endangered species — up to a point

Biologists wanted to know what Canadians would be willing to sacrifice in the name of conservation

  • 620 words
  • 3 minutes