Results 3

a white man wearing a grey toque crouches next to a cairn which is adorned with a plaque. There's an inset of the plaque in the top left corner.


Finding Fitzjames: the search for Sir John Franklin’s senior officer

University of Waterloo researchers have identified the remains of Capt James Fitzjames, who died on Franklin’s failed Northwest Passage Expedition, among an archeological site on King William Island, Nunavut

  • 930 words
  • 4 minutes
The Experimental Lakes Area research facility is made of up 58 boreal lakes that sit on the Canadian shield. (Photo: IISD Experimental Lakes Area)


When a lake is better than a lab

Studies conducted at the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario have impacted environmental decision-making around the world

  • 1082 words
  • 5 minutes
Bigleaf maple leaves on a leaf press

Science & Tech

Stopping timber thieves with DNA

Volunteers are collecting samples from bigleaf maples to prevent illegal logging

  • 617 words
  • 3 minutes