Results 35

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A woman in a blue shirt stands next to the water


Valérie Courtois on what she hopes will come out of COP15: “to save the world”

The Director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative discusses COP15, the importance of the boreal forest and the vital role of Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship

  • 2646 words
  • 11 minutes



Wildlife Wednesday: The land-to-sea evolution of the whale eye

Plus: the ins-and-outs of a Vancouver zoo wolf break-out, caribou conservation controversy in Quebec, more marmots on Vancouver Island and the tick-busting pine needle discovered in Nova Scotia

  • 882 words
  • 4 minutes


Is this the year we see a baby narluga?

Plus: good news for Roosevelt elk, a new look for Alberta bison, a genetic disposition to wander for caribou and a big wildlife boost for southern Ontario

  • 1056 words
  • 5 minutes
A wolf walks in front of a forest


The mysterious 500-kilometre, 20-year odyssey of Wolf 57

Plus: a caribou’s dinner, avian “flyways,” what astronauts can learn from squirrels — and blue whale tongue-eating orcas

  • 1038 words
  • 5 minutes
Two caribou silhouetted against a dark, rainy landscape


Caribou are vanishing at an alarming rate. Is it too late to save them?

After more than a million years on Earth, the caribou is under threat of global extinction. The precipitous decline of the once mighty herds is a tragedy that is hard to watch — and even harder to reverse.

  • 4559 words
  • 19 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: Baby caribou, star-crossed salmon and bringing buffalo back

Your weekly CanGeo round-up of wildlife news

  • 963 words
  • 4 minutes


Bulk Search Results

boreal caribou female with calf


Threatened boreal caribou face uncertain future in Canada

Provinces are falling behind on their obligation to protect the caribou's forest habitat, report says

  • 545 words
  • 3 minutes
caribou in nunavut


Study finds half of Canada’s vertebrate wildlife species are in decline

Habitat loss, pollution, climate change have all contributed to steep declines of some species since 1970 

  • 786 words
  • 4 minutes
Gotsǝ́ mı̨́ “spider web” in sunlight. Photo: Jean Polfus


What spiders can teach us about ecology

The spider's web is the perfect metaphor for the interconnections between species, people and place

  • 958 words
  • 4 minutes