Results 25




Spotlight on conservation: Hastings Wildlife Junction

Hastings Wildlife Junction in eastern Ontario is an example of the scale of conservation needed in Canada

  • 416 words
  • 2 minutes



leather sea stars


“We did this:” Is there a way out of our intertwined climate and biodiversity crises?

As the impacts of global warming become increasingly evident, the connections to biodiversity loss are hard to ignore. Can this fall’s two key international climate conferences point us to a nature-positive future?

  • 5595 words
  • 23 minutes
polar bear mother and her young cub


Hearts in the Ice: Biodiversity and our oceans

Two adventurers have extended their stay in isolation in Svalbard, Norway to continue gathering wildlife observations in the remote Arctic

  • 865 words
  • 4 minutes
Me & My Microbes gut game

Science & Tech

Exploring the human microbiome, our ‘forgotten organ’

Me & My Microbes: The Zoo Inside You, a new exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, examines the connections between our microbiome and our health

  • 791 words
  • 4 minutes
Endangered caribou


Mapping out a new approach to biodiversity protection

Decisions around where to establish new protected areas in Canada should consider wildlife and ecosystem health first

  • 879 words
  • 4 minutes
infographic of findings from BioBlitz Canada 150


10 interesting discoveries from BioBlitz Canada 150

35 events, 16,600 hours and 7,510 recorded species: the results are in from a series of bioblitz events held to commemorate Canada 150

  • 445 words
  • 2 minutes

Bulk Search Results

illegal wildlife trade, elephant foot, ivory, biodiversity


The illegal wildlife trade is a biodiversity apocalypse

An estimated annual $175-billion business, the illegal trade in wildlife is the world’s fourth-largest criminal enterprise. It stands to radically alter the animal kingdom.

  • 3405 words
  • 14 minutes