Results 15



Newfoundland and Labrador


Wildlife Wednesday: Baby bobcat rescued in Nova Scotia cold, wet, but alive

Plus: Mapping North America’s sea ducks, collecting Yukon’s mosquitos, celebrating Newfoundland’s pine marten success and a rebound for Antarctica’s fin whales

  • 1038 words
  • 5 minutes


Cod moratorium: How Newfoundland’s cod industry disappeared overnight 

A bountiful cod industry is pictured on a 1920s map. Decades later, a moratorium would change everything. 

  • 543 words
  • 3 minutes

People & Culture

The cod delusion

A moratorium on cod fishing that was supposed to last two years has now lasted 30. What will it take to rebuild cod stocks — and a way of life?

  • 3232 words
  • 13 minutes


Comment arrêter une ruée vers l’or

Un nouveau mouvement créateur de pôles touristiques florissants dans tout le Canada – la durabilité, un exemple à la fois

  • 4003 words
  • 17 minutes
1768 map showing River Exploits flowing into Lieutenant's Lake, showing Beothuk mamateeks, deer fences and scarecrows.


Faded ink: Map tells piece of the Beothuk story in Newfoundland

This map, “taken on the spot in the year 1768,” tells but a tiny piece of the story of Newfoundland’s bygone Beothuk

  • 590 words
  • 3 minutes

Bulk Search Results

A pod of Atlantic orcas is seen a few meters away from a fishing boat in the North Atlantic


Pod of Atlantic orcas surprises Labrador fishermen

"Just another day at the office." 

  • 202 words
  • 1 minutes
A few weathered wooden houses are all that remain of the Moravian missionaries who settled the Labrador coast


Cruising through history in Labrador and Greenland

Award-winning author Charlotte Gray explores the wild and fierce beauty of Canada’s hidden coast

  • 486 words
  • 2 minutes