Results 22

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People & Culture

Head for the hills: skiing in the Canadian Prairies

As unexpected as they are unexpectedly popular: welcome to Canada’s prairie ski destinations 

  • 747 words
  • 3 minutes


Notes from the field: Saskatchewan Whooping Cranes

RCGS Travel Ambassador Carol Patterson recounts her experience observing these legendary birds on a Canadian Geographic Adventure

  • 571 words
  • 3 minutes


The Crooked Bush: Saskatchewan’s botanical phenomenon

How a mutant grove of trees is adding mystery to the prairies

  • 875 words
  • 4 minutes


The land holds memories

“All the mischiefs humans and the universe are capable of inflicting on an ecosystem have conspired to attack the prairies.” 

  • 6274 words
  • 26 minutes


Leroy and Leroy: There’s always something to do

Episode 36

We sit down with “Leroy in front of the camera” to discuss the road-tripping comedy duo’s meteoric rise on TikTok and where they’re headed next

  • 22 minutes



7 cool places to learn about dinosaurs in Canada

If you’ve got a dinosaur-obsessed child — or a keen interest in paleontology yourself — add these fascinating museums and experiences to your travel bucket list

  • 941 words
  • 4 minutes

indigenous languages