Results 2

Remote operated vehicle's mechanical arm holds out a a tempature measuring device beside a underwater mountain covered in corals and a single sea-star


The underwater mountains that can’t be hiked: Canada’s newest marine protected area

Tang.ɢwan-ḥačxʷiqak-Tsig̱is isn’t merely Canada’s largest and newest marine protected area; the deep ocean life protected in its bounds is truly unique.

  • 1723 words
  • 7 minutes
A  carpet  of  orange  zoanthids,  red  coralline  encrusting  algae  (shallow  enough  for  algae),  Stylaster  sp.hydrocorals, and  encrusting  demosponges.


Off B.C. coast, scientists discover extinct volcanoes teeming with life

Expedition team calls for permanent protection of undersea mountain range

  • 568 words
  • 3 minutes