Results 6

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The Essential Itinerary: Quebec City with kids

Ease into European travel with this three-day tour through Canada’s family-friendly France dupe

  • 1282 words
  • 6 minutes


Ice canoeing in Quebec City

Navigating chunks of ice in frigid temperatures, Robin Esrock recounts his thrilling experience ice canoeing on the St. Lawrence River

  • 833 words
  • 4 minutes


Canada’s Best Gondolas, Funiculars and Tramways

Everything you need to know about these unique methods of transportation and where to find them 

  • 1351 words
  • 6 minutes


Bucket Listed: Canada’s grand railway hotels

Rival railway companies competed to attract visitors with hotels that recall Scottish castles, Bavarian fairy-tales, and the opulent French chateaux

  • 1183 words
  • 5 minutes


8 cultural highlights to discover in Québec City

Dive into the rich history of one of North America’s oldest cities with a stroll through its cobblestone streets or a visit to one of its top-notch galleries and museums

  • 1091 words
  • 5 minutes

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Going out on a high note

For those about to rock, here’s everything you need to know about the Festival d’été de Québec, Canada’s largest outdoor music festival

  • 794 words
  • 4 minutes