Results 19



Wildlife Wednesday: bald eagles are nesting in Toronto for the first time in history

Plus: sturgeon-a-surgin’ in the Great Lakes, caribou -a-boomin’ on Baffin Island, orca for days in the open ocean, and “horrific” animal poison banned in Canada

  • 904 words
  • 4 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: revealing the life of the Coast Salish woolly dog through oral histories and ancient genomics

Plus: experience life as a Toronto raccoon, red-throated loons learn an icy lesson, and orca use icebergs to scratch their itches

  • 933 words
  • 4 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: How a pandemic heli-ski shutdown expanded the range of B.C. caribou

Plus: orca don’t love metal music, orangutans get new home at Toronto Zoo, Dominica protects ‘carbon heroes’ of the sea, and crickets boost acoustic efficiency in surprising ways

  • 1067 words
  • 5 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: what pikas — and their poop — can teach us about climate change

Plus: orcas are eating a toxic diet, southern birds are moving in on northern birds thanks to climate change, North Atlantic right whale population is steadying, and red swamp crayfish are showing up unwanted in Nova Scotia

  • 970 words
  • 4 minutes


Wildlife Wednesday: “milestone achievement” — Bhutan records a nearly 40 per cent increase in snow leopard numbers

Plus: city lights make bird eyes smaller, killer whales play “pass the porpoise,” Atlantic walrus more at risk than ever, and grizzly bears besieged by forestry roads

  • 952 words
  • 4 minutes

