Results 8

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Plastics are everywhere — even in us

A recent European study found microplastics in the stools of healthy individuals, suggesting that plastics have spread throughout the food chain

  • 493 words
  • 2 minutes

Bulk Search Results

Mass of floating seaweed with bits of plastic stuck in it, in the ocean


How companies and communities are fighting the problem of plastic pollution

Fast food chains, municipalities and even Ikea have recently pledged to phase out single-use plastics 

  • 884 words
  • 4 minutes
Peter Ross analyses water samples from various locations for microplastic threads


Why forensics could be key to untangling the ocean microplastics crisis

Scientist Peter Ross uses all the high-tech tools of a crime scene investigator — except his crime scene is the open ocean

  • 2179 words
  • 9 minutes
Ocean Plastics Lab


Touring exhibit drives home problem of ocean plastic

The interactive Ocean Plastics Lab is visiting Ottawa until Aug. 12

  • 442 words
  • 2 minutes