Results 19

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Wild adventures in Labrador

An epic tour of the remote western Torngats appeals to adventure-seeking geography geeks, with treks via foot, boat and plane to explore the area’s geological and wildlife riches

  • 1497 words
  • 6 minutes



Two men scale a steep cliff above a lake

Science & Tech

Why a Labrador crater is the perfect training ground for future moon explorers

Future missions to the moon will focus heavily on geology. Fortunately, Canada offers astronauts the perfect place to hone their skills.

  • 739 words
  • 3 minutes


Across the tickle: A return to Battle Harbour

For generations, Battle Harbour was considered the unofficial capital of Labrador, a centre of fishing through the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, it has reinvented itself as a remote island getaway known for its rugged beauty

  • 2664 words
  • 11 minutes

People & Culture

Remembering Selma Barkham, who revealed the history of Basque whaling in Canada

The historian and geographer filled in “a great gap” in Canadian history, from the time of Cartier to the arrival of Champlain

  • 759 words
  • 4 minutes
Hebron Mission Station 1906 with Harmony ship in background


When death came to Labrador

An excerpt from We All Expected to Die: Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919

  • 1234 words
  • 5 minutes
Catherine McKenna at Torngat Mountains National Park


Inside Catherine McKenna’s tour of Nunatsiavut

The Environment and Climate Change minister visited Labrador’s Inuit region from August 2 – 5 to explore all-Indigenous National Park management and the impacts of climate change in the area. 

Bulk Search Results

Torngat Mountains and Nachvak Fiord


Photos: Exploring the Torngat Mountains, a place of spirits

Canadian Geographic Photographer-in-Residence Michelle Valberg offers a glimpse at her journey to Torngat Mountains National Park in Labrador

  • 356 words
  • 2 minutes