Results 13

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Canadian Mosaic Project

People & Culture

50 years of multiculturalism: It’s as Canadian as maple syrup

Michael Adams, president of the Environics group of companies and the Environics Institute and a regular contributor of published commentary on Canadian values and social trends, says most Canadians view multiculturalism as an important symbol of what we aspire to as a society

  • 1044 words
  • 5 minutes


50 ans de multiculturalisme: quand les expériences vécues font l’histoire

Dora Nipp, directrice générale de la Multicultural History Society of Ontario, réfléchit à l’importance de consigner les histoires des migrants, des communautés ethniques et des Autochtones comme moyen essentiel de comprendre le Canada au XXe siècle et au-delà

  • 1298 words
  • 6 minutes


50 years of multiculturalism: Where lived experiences make history

Dora Nipp, CEO of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, reflects on the importance of chronicling migrant, ethnic and Indigenous stories as an essential means to understanding Canada in the 20th century and beyond

  • 1134 words
  • 5 minutes

People & Culture

50 ans de multiculturalisme au Canada : être musulman au Canada

Omar Mouallem, auteur de Praying to the West : How Muslims Shaped the Americas (Prière vers l’Occident : comment les musulmans ont façonné les Amériques), examine pourquoi une foi inébranlable dans le projet de multiculturalisme canadien – commune à la génération d’immigrants musulmans arrivés dans les années 1970 – n’est pas toujours partagée par ceux qui ont migré au cours des 20 dernières années, et est rarement ressentie par leurs enfants

  • 1750 words
  • 7 minutes

People & Culture

50 years of multiculturalism: Being Muslim in Canada

Omar Mouallem, author of Praying to the West: How Muslims Shaped the Americas, looks at why an unshakeable faith in Canada’s multiculturalism project — common amongst the generation of Muslim immigrants who arrived in the ’70s — is not always shared by those who have migrated in the last 20 years, and is rarely felt by their children

  • 1498 words
  • 6 minutes

Bulk Search Results


50 years of multiculturalism: Who is gatekeeping Canadianness?

Professor Anna Triandafyllidou reflects on a digital storytelling project that saw 28 graduate students from across Canada answer the question: Who am I?

  • 1188 words
  • 5 minutes

People & Culture

The symbolism of refugee ‘arrival kits’

The items given to Syrian refugees — warm clothing, DVDs, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms — represent more than just practical considerations; they're the building blocks of a shared Canadian identity

  • 1882 words
  • 8 minutes