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Members of the Enduring Ice Project jump from ice floe to ice floe in Nares Strait during their expedition in the summer of 2017.


Photos: Tracking Arctic sea ice in Nares Strait

An account of Enduring Ice, The Royal Canadian Geographical Society’s 2017 Expedition of the Year 

  • 684 words
  • 3 minutes
Coral bleaching at Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef, February 2016


Study finds marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense

New Canadian research suggests marine ecosystems are quite literally in hot water as the global climate warms

  • 719 words
  • 3 minutes


The power we have to renew a world in peril

In an exclusive excperpt from his new book Commanding Hope, Thomas Homer-Dixon highlights four key stresses that inhibit society's collective sense of a promising future for our planet

  • 2064 words
  • 9 minutes