Results 4

People & Culture

Last of the lookouts

In an age of advancing technologies, the art and science of watching for wildfires from lookouts is fading away. But fire lookout Bart Vanderlinde watches on.

  • 1920 words
  • 8 minutes
Les feux de forêt s’enflamment sur le long de l’autoroute de Yellowknife, au sud de Behchokò (T.N.-O.), en 2014. Les chercheurs étudient l’influence des feux à long terme sur les lacs et les cours d’eau.

Science & Tech

Investigating the landscape legacies of northern wildfires

Ongoing studies of fire-scarred landscapes in the Northwest Territories are revealing the surprising resilience of northern streams and lakes

  • 453 words
  • 2 minutes
Photo: Aaron Williams


What it’s really like to fight a wildfire

A former firefighter offers a glimpse at the day-to-day lives of the men and women who rush into danger each summer to protect life and property

  • 1541 words
  • 7 minutes
Forest fire started by lightning strike


Lightning storms predicted to spark more fires in North American boreal forests

Future ignitions may increase carbon emissions and accelerate the boreal forest’s northern expansion 

  • 538 words
  • 3 minutes