Results 5

Great Slave Lake


Thaidene Nëné: Land of the ancestors

The new Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories is the heart of sacred Denesǫłiné homeland and a prophesied final refuge of clean water and ecological integrity in North America

  • 2103 words
  • 9 minutes
Gotsǝ́ mı̨́ “spider web” in sunlight. Photo: Jean Polfus


What spiders can teach us about ecology

The spider's web is the perfect metaphor for the interconnections between species, people and place

  • 958 words
  • 4 minutes


Au cœur de la lutte pour la protection du « Cœur de l’eau » de l’Arctique

Comment les Dénés Sahtuto’ine de Délı̨nę ont créé la réserve de biosphère de Tsá Tué, le premier site de l’UNESCO au monde géré par une communauté autochtone.

  • 2082 words
  • 9 minutes
Russel Kenny taking writer Laurie Sarkadi and Gzowski for a boat ride on Great Bear Lake to check his nets for trout.


Inside the fight to protect the Arctic’s “Water Heart”

How the Sahtuto’ine Dene of Délı̨nę created the Tsá Tué Biosphere Reserve, the world’s first such UNESCO site managed by an Indigenous community

  • 1663 words
  • 7 minutes
Deline Tsa Tue

People & Culture

Photos: Life inside the Tsá Tué Biosphere Reserve

Photographer Angela Gzowski shares her experience shooting within the Délı̨nę community

  • 542 words
  • 3 minutes