Results 5


Cod moratorium: How Newfoundland’s cod industry disappeared overnight 

A bountiful cod industry is pictured on a 1920s map. Decades later, a moratorium would change everything. 

  • 543 words
  • 3 minutes

People & Culture

The cod delusion

A moratorium on cod fishing that was supposed to last two years has now lasted 30. What will it take to rebuild cod stocks — and a way of life?

  • 3232 words
  • 13 minutes
Fishermen hauling up cod in a net


Study of 500 years of cod catch data shows collapse could have been avoided

Canada missed a chance to rebuild northern cod stocks in the 1980s, highlighting the importance of taking a long view of fisheries management, researchers say

  • 673 words
  • 3 minutes
Cod Collapse Jenn Thornhill Verma


The day the cod collapsed

An exclusive excerpt from the new book Cod Collapse: The Rise and Fall of Newfoundland's Saltwater Cowboys

  • 1195 words
  • 5 minutes
(Map: Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Carte Réduite du Golphe de St. Laurent, 1754, Library and Archives Canada, NMC 25295)


Jacques-Nicolas Bellin and the cartography of cod

Jacques-Nicolas Bellin’s 18th-century map reveals how the pursuit of the humble fish helped shape the nation

  • 519 words
  • 3 minutes