Results 3


Canada, Denmark end 50-year “Whiskey War” over Hans Island

Historic accord creates a new land border between Canada and Denmark on the tiny Arctic island and the world’s longest maritime boundary

  • 775 words
  • 4 minutes
Heinrich Scherer's 1702 chart of the North Pole

People & Culture

Why the North Pole matters: An important history of challenges and global fascination

In this essay, noted geologist and geophysicist Fred Roots explores the significance of the symbolic point at the top of the world. He submitted it to Canadian Geographic just before his death in October 2016 at age 93.

  • 5167 words
  • 21 minutes


How the Franklin find affects Canada’s claims to the North Pole

Could the Franklin ship help Canada’s case? Not really, argues Michael Byers

  • 415 words
  • 2 minutes