Results 18

Northwest Territories

Upper Wind River


Return to the Peel

We came to retrace an ancestor’s 1905 map-making expedition of the Peel River watershed. We left with a new-found appreciation of what this ancient land means to the people who live there. 

  • 2676 words
  • 11 minutes



Les feux de forêt s’enflamment sur le long de l’autoroute de Yellowknife, au sud de Behchokò (T.N.-O.), en 2014. Les chercheurs étudient l’influence des feux à long terme sur les lacs et les cours d’eau.

Science & Tech

Investigating the landscape legacies of northern wildfires

Ongoing studies of fire-scarred landscapes in the Northwest Territories are revealing the surprising resilience of northern streams and lakes

  • 453 words
  • 2 minutes