Results 28

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People & Culture

Pandemic Perspectives: Finding peace amongst the birch

Being unplugged and on the land gave my family the chance to reset 

  • 499 words
  • 2 minutes

People & Culture

Pandemic Perspectives: Parked Life

When the pandemic hit, urban Canadians hit the parks. But are urban parks accessible to all?

  • 773 words
  • 4 minutes

People & Culture

Placing the Pandemic in Perspective: Mothering in isolation

When my son was born, my world shrank to the size of an island

  • 766 words
  • 4 minutes

People & Culture

Placing the Pandemic in Perspective: Walking at the end of the world

How a new pandemic walking route helped me process feelings around illness and isolation as a chronically ill person 

  • 784 words
  • 4 minutes

People & Culture

Placing the Pandemic in Perspective: Cooking up comfort on the streets of Montreal

The death of an unhoused Innu man inspired an innovative and compassionate street outreach during the nightly curfew in 2021

  • 1819 words
  • 8 minutes





Bigfoot emerges in B.C.’s Harrison Hot Springs

As the community hunkers down at home, Sasquatch sightings are on the rise

  • 626 words
  • 3 minutes


Bulk Search Results


Mapping COVID-19 cases in Canada per capita

Canadian Geographic cartographer Chris Brackley continues his exploration of charting the coronavirus pandemic 

  • 743 words
  • 3 minutes
number of reported Canadian cases of COVID-19 by regional health authority


What are maps really saying about COVID-19 in Canada?

Canadian Geographic’s cartographer explores how media, scientists and citizens are charting the coronavirus pandemic

  • 1180 words
  • 5 minutes


B.C. hotel chain stays open, offers special rate for healthcare workers during Covid-19

Accent Inns made the decision to keep its five properties open after receiving a panicked call from a nurse in need of a place to stay 

  • 469 words
  • 2 minutes


#VisitLater and #StayHome trending as tourism bureaus encourage postponing vacations

Estonia says come visit — but not right now

  • 412 words
  • 2 minutes